This is a collection of some of the papers I read on a daily basis. I have not put them in a very oriented fashion (can’t remember if I sorted through everything while uploading), so they are not alphabetical or chronological. These appear vaguely in the order in which I read them, although I read some papers in a very aribtrary way, so I would recommend you to go through them for yourself.
A Covariant Holographic Entanglement Entropy Proposal
A Holographic Argument for the Penrose Inequality in AdS
A Lower Bound on the Energy Density in Classical and Quantum Field Theories
A Note On Complex Spacetime Metrics
A canonical purification for the entanglement wedge cross section
A note on the admissibility of complex BTZ metrics
Achronal Averaged Null energy condition
Algebras and States in JT Gravity
Araki von Neumann algebras and relative entropy II
Araki von Neumann algebras and relative entropy I
Canonical purification and QES
Canonical purification paper Engelhardt-Folkestad
Cauchy slice holographic paper Wall-Regado-Khan
Causality and Holographic entanglement entropy
Coarse-graining paper Engelhardt-Wall
Complex saddles and Euclidean wormholes in Lorentzian path integral
dS/LCFT correspondence three-coupled scalar field
de Sitter holography and entanglement entropy
Entanglement entropy in TTbar deformed CFTs
Entanglement wedges for gravitating regions
Dong-Lewkowycz Entropy, extremality and euclidean variations
Mellin amplitudes paper to be read
Ignorance is cheap Bousso et al
Generalized second law for cosmology
Geometric constraints from subregion duality
Geometry of general hypersurfaces Mars-Senovilla
Gravity Dual of the Connes cocycle flow
Holographic cosmology on closed slices Regado
dS3/CFT2 deformed entanglement entropy
Holographic representation of bulk fields with spin in AdS/CFT
Holography abhors visible trapped surfaces
Holography and localization of information in Quantum Gravity
Holography of information in AdS/CFT
Holography of information in de Sitter space Suvrat et al
JT Gravity as a matrix integral to be read
Large N algebras and generalized entropy
Lectures on quantum gravity and black holes
Marginally trapped surfaces in AdS/CFT
Microcanonical path integrals Marolf
Models of AdS2 backreactions and holography
Monopoles and three-manifolds to be read
Moving the CFT into the bulk with TTbar deformations
No Ensemble Averaging to be read
On the Penrose inequality in AdS
Real-time evolution of pseudo entropy in 2D CFTs
Pseudo-entropy and Timelike entanglement entropy
QES – holography beyond the classical regime
Quantum information bound on the energy
Relative modular operator in semi-finite von Neumann algebras
Reconstruction of bulk operators within the entanglement wedge
Restricted maximin surfaces and HRT
Subregion complementarity in AdS/CFT
The Hilbert space of de Sitter quantum gravity Suvrat et al
The holographic cone in AdS-Vaidya
Timelike entanglement entroyp and TTbar deformations
Towards a bit threads derivation of holographic entanglement entropy
Traversable wormholes via a double trace deformation
Wick rotation and the positivity of energy
de Sitter space is sometimes not empty!
de Sitter space, extremal surfaces and time-entanglement Narayan